
Monday, 31 August 2015

Let Freedom Ring - August Update

I started working on this on Thursday, August 27th and put it away today.  Here is where it was before I started:
And here it is now:
I finished the top half of the chart and started the bottom half on the left.  I figured out why I set it aside also; there are quite a few mistakes in it and I did a lot of frogging and/or fudging.  I still plan to finish it though.


Brigitte said...

Great progress and it looks really good. No way to discover the fudging.

Kaisievic said...

I think that this is such a perfect project for this SAL blog, Cathy. Hopefully it will give you inspiration to keep on with it despite the frogging and fudging. I love it.

Stitching Noni said...

Perfect design for the SAL... I hope you can sort out any of the frogging/mistakes and keep going with this one - it will be a lovely finish indeed :o) You have made some great progress since re-starting it.
Hugs xx

Renee said...

This is stunning!

Renee said...

This is stunning!